IS 1200 Part -4 “stone masonry”

IS 1200 Part -4; Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works, Part 4: stone masonry

  1. Scope This standard (Part IV) covers the method of measurement of stone masonry in buildings and civil engineering works.
  2. General 2.1 Clubbing of Items: Items may be clubbed together, provided the break-up of clubbed items is based on detailed descriptions of items as stated in this standard. 2.2 Booking of Dimensions: In booking dimensions, the order shall be consistent and generally in the sequence of length, breadth or width, and height or depth or thickness. 2.3 Measurements: All work shall be measured net in the decimal system, as fixed in its place, unless otherwise stated herein, as given below:
  • Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 m.
  • Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m².
  • Cubic contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m³. 2.4 Description of Item: Description of each item shall include conveyance, delivery, handling, unloading, storing, waste, returning of packings, scaffolding, tools, and tackle, as necessary. 2.5 Waste of Cutting: All measurements shall be deemed to include consequent waste, unless otherwise stated. 2.6 Deduction: Where the minimum area is defined for deduction of an opening, void, or both, such area shall refer only to the opening or void within the space measured. 2.7 Work to be Measured Separately: Work executed in the following conditions shall be measured separately:
  • Work in or under water.
  • Work in liquid mud.
  • Work in foul positions.
  • Work interrupted by tides.
  • Work in snow. 2.8 Bills of Quantities: Items of work shall fully describe materials, workmanship, and accurately represent the work to be executed. 2.9 Measurement in Stages: Work shall be measured in stages, stating height or depth, as below ground/datum line, and above ground/datum line. The ground/datum line shall be specified in each case.
  1. Walling 3.1 The type of stone, kind of walling, and mix of mortar shall be described. General walling items shall be deemed to include:
  • Bond stones.
  • Raking out joints for plastering or for pointing, or finishing joints flush as work proceeds.
  • Preparing the top of existing walls and the like for raising.
  • Rough cutting and waste for forming gables, cores of arches, splays at eaves, and the like, and all rough cutting in the body of walling.
  • Leaving holes for pipes and similar items.
  • Building-in holdfasts, air bricks, fixing bricks, etc.
  • Bedding wall plates, lintels, sills, roof tiles, corrugated sheets, etc., in or on walls, if not covered in respective trade.
  • Building-in ends of joists, beams, lintels, etc., and forming flues for which no deduction is made. 3.1.1 Random or uncoursed rubble walling brought up to courses shall be measured separately, stating minimum and maximum heights of courses. 3.1.2 For coursed work, the height of the course shall be stated. If regularly diminished, it shall be described, stating maximum and minimum heights of courses. 3.1.3 Stone walling circular on plan to a mean radius not exceeding 6 m shall be measured separately and shall include all cutting and waste and templates. 3.1.4 Stone walling circular on plan to a mean radius exceeding 6 m shall be measured net and included with general walling. 3.1.5 The following classes of work shall be included with general walling:
  • Footings.
  • Battered stone masonry (measured net). Battered surfaces shall, however, be measured separately in square metres as an extra-over.
  • Eaves filling, no deduction being made for joists, beam rafters, etc.
  • Stone walling in chimney breasts, chimney stacks, and smoke or air flues.
  • Pilasters.
  1. Measurement 4.1 Except where otherwise stated, stone masonry shall generally be measured in cubic metres, and face work in square metres. 4.2 No deduction or addition shall be made for the following:
  • Ends of dissimilar materials (joists, beams, lintels, posts, girders, rafters, purlins, trusses, corbels, steps, etc.) up to 0.1 m² in section.
  • Openings up to 0.1 m² in area.
  • Wall plates, bed plates, and bearing of slabs, chajjas, and the like, where the thickness does not exceed 10 cm and bearing does not extend over the full thickness of the wall.
  • Cement concrete blocks for holdfasts, holding-down bolts, and the like.
  • Iron fixtures such as wall ties, pipes up to 300 mm diameter, holdfasts of doors and windows.
  1. Stone Nogging 5.1 Stone nogging shall be measured in square metres, stating the thickness of the wall and shall include face work to both sides. Dimensions shall be measured overall. 5.1.1 Timber work shall be measured separately [see IS: 1200 (Part XXI)-1973].
  2. Stone Masonry in Arches and Vaults 6.1 Stonework in rough arches and vaults shall be described and measured separately and shall include centering for spans up to 2 m. For spans exceeding 2 m, centering shall be measured separately. 6.1.1 Facings to arches shall be measured separately.
  3. Underpinning 7.1 Stone walling in underpinning shall be measured separately and an item for extra labor and material in wedging up on top of underpinning with thin slabs or slates shall be measured in square metres.
  4. Levelling Up 8.1 Levelling up of uncoursed random walling for damp-proof courses, band courses, and the like shall be measured separately in square metres. The material such as concrete or mortar to be used in leveling up shall be described.
  5. Facings 9.1 If facing stones are the same as those used in body of walling, stones shall be described as `extra for facing’ over the walling. 9.1.1 If facing stones are to be dressed on beds and joints, it shall be so stated. 9.1.2 If facing stones are different from those used in body of walling, facings may be stated as `stone and labour in facing’. Type of such facing and average bed shall be described, and bonders, if any, shall also be described and the number per square metre stated. Bonding to stone walling and to brickwork shall be measured separately. 9.1.3 In case of circular facings, not exceeding 6 m radius on plan, the radius shall be stated. Circular facings exceeding 6 m radius on plan shall be included with general facing.
  6. Arches in Facings 10.1 Dressing to arches in faced work shall be measured in square metres, measured on the face and exposed soffit; the rise of the arch and width of the soffit shall be stated, and joints described. In case of arches in random rubble, cutting of skewbacks and over and under arches shall be included with the item. Cutting over arches, skewbacks, etc., in superior types of facework shall be measured separately in running metres.
  7. Angles in Facings 11.1 External angles in facings shall be measured in running metres and if quoin stones are larger than general facing stones, their average size shall be stated. If edge margins of quoin stones are drafted, this shall be described, stating the width of drafting. 11.1.1 Squints, birds-mouths, splayed or rounded angles, and the like shall each be measured separately in running metres, stating the width of splay or girth of rounded angle. 11.1.2 Squints, birds-mouths, and external and internal angles to battered facings shall each be measured separately in running metres; if quoin stones to battered facings have horizontal joints, these shall be so described.
  8. Chases, Rebates, etc. 12.1 Cutting chases, rebates, throatings, grooves, etc., in walling shall be measured in running metres stating girth and classified according to girth as follows, except in the case of throating which shall be measured separately:
  • Not exceeding 10 cm in girth.
  • Exceeding 10 cm but not exceeding 20 cm in girth. 12.1.1 Chases, rebates, etc., exceeding 20 cm in girth, shall be measured in square metres (girth multiplied by length).
  1. Cutting Holes 13.1 Cutting holes through walling and making good shall be measured per centimeter of depth of cutting and shall be classified as follows:
  • Holes not exceeding 400 cm² in area.
  • Holes exceeding 400 cm² and not exceeding 0.1 m² in area.
  1. Cutting Openings 14.1 Cutting openings exceeding 0.1 m² in area shall be measured in cubic metres.
  2. Toothing and Bonding 15.1 Where new walls are bonded to existing walls, an item of labor and material in cutting, toothing, and bonding shall be measured in square metres of surface in contact with new work only. Spacing and size of toothings required to be cut in the existing work shall be described.
  3. Dressed Stonework 16.1 Stonework as in sills, steps, string courses, cornices, columns, caps, copings, lintels, etc., shall each be measured in cubic metres. Type of dressing shall be described and measured in square metres as extra-over. 16.2 Dressed stonework as in chajjas, jallies, shelves, and the like shall be described as measured in square metres (inclusive of bearing). 16.3 Each stone shall be measured as the smallest rectangular block from which finished dressed stone can be worked.
  4. Additional Labour in Dressed Stonework 17.1 The following labours shall be measured separately in square metres when exceeding 10 cm in girth or width and in running metres if not exceeding 10 cm in girth or width, unless included in the main item:
  • Sunk work to faces, beds, and joints as in arches, key blocks, splays, batters, weatherings, etc.
  • Moulded work as in cornices, voussoirs (girth of moulding measured). 17.2 The following labours shall be measured separately in running metres, when not exceeding 10 cm in width or girth, unless included in the main item:
  • Chamfers, arrises, or splays not exceeding 1.5 cm in width.
  • Chamfers, arrises, or splays exceeding 1.5 cm but not exceeding 10 cm in width.
  • Rounded bullnose-angles or mouldings or hollow angles.
  • Rebates, grooves (square, hollow, or dovetailed) in facework.
  • Rebates, grooves (square, hollow, or dovetailed) for joints, tongues of sills, etc.
  • Cutting chisel drafted margin. 17.3 Drilling holes shall be enumerated stating the diameter of the hole and its depth. 17.4 Cutting rectangular or dovetailed mortice in dressed stones shall be enumerated, stating size in cubic centimetres; and running with cement or lead shall be described.
  1. Stops, Mitres, etc. 18.1 Stops, mitres, and returned ends shall be described and enumerated.
  2. Figures, Letters, etc. 19.1 Curved figures, letters, etc., shall be described and enumerated, stating dimensions.
  3. Boulder Work 20.1 Boulder work shall be measured in cubic metres, stating the size of boulders, and classified as follows:
  • Boulder filling dry hand-packed.
  • Boulder walling dry.
  • Boulder walling in mortar, stating the mix of mortar.


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